Quality and tests

Captura de ecrã 2015-10-01, às 06.41.02Certification ISO45001

Moldes Catarino intends to keep and certify its integrated management system having as basis a statement of intent from the Administration reflected in its integrated policy. This policy assumes the commitment to comply with applicable legal and statutory requirements, being reviewed whenever it is considered pertinent.

The main pillars of its integrated policy are the following:

  • Comply with the requirements of the Norm ISO 9001 and ISO 45001, ensuring the effectiveness of the integrated management system;
  • Act in a preventive way reducing or eliminating the costs of the non-quality;
  • Top technologies, with the aim of ensuring the quality and accomplishments of the products deadlines;
  • Act in order to accomplish our customer’s requirements, the identification of the hazards and their evaluation, as well as eliminating hazards or reducing the risks of an incident, minimizing them whenever possible;
  • Reinforce the training programs of our employees as well as to ensure healthy and safety working conditions for the prevention of accidents at work and health conditions;
  • Innovate in order to present creative solutions to our customers;
  • Normalize the procedures in order to ensure the continuous improvement of our processes from the integrated management system, through participation of the stakeholders involved and workers consultation;
  • Orient the relationships with customers and suppliers in order to ensure the best results for both.